Friday, March 12, 2010

Cave Junction

Here is Ray's House in Cave Junction, which is near the Oregon-California border:

The house itself is about 15 minutes walk from the town of Cave Junction itself. You can see the woods from all sides of the House which is very cool, especially when it is snowing. Right now its quite cold enough for real snow and we only have slush. Oh, and mud. Yuck. At night you can hear choruses of frogs singing.

Cave Junction itself starts here and then follows one of the highways which intersects the road in this picture. It only takes about 15 minutes to walk from one end of town to the other There is a store named Taylors that sells all sorts of cool sausages and meats, plus a couple of nice Mexican restaurants, and a coffee shop called Coffee Heaven. Plus the other usual amenities. The town is in the Illinois Valley and is close to the east fork of the Illinois River. One of the rocks in the river has been graffiti-ed and apparently when there are high school etc reunions people write the year that they graduated on the rock. Its a really pretty spot nestled in the woods near the mountains.

This cat lives at Ray's house. He squawks at people in sustained bursts most of the time that he is awake, and could benefit from an off switch. Obnoxiousness on four paws is not a bad way to describe him.

Ray has been helping her half brother Glenn fix the transmission on his truck so we haven't been able to go too far afield yet, but next week we plan to rent a car and head up to Portland, which is in the Northern part of Oregon. I went to help them yesterday and Ray introduced me to an alleged local delicacy: the giant pickle.

I have no plans to introduce the giant pickle to New Zealand.

We worked on Glenn's truck at one of Ray's friend's houses. These are the windows at the back of the shed at that house. As you can see they are quite thin. This has been included because Ray once woke up on the couch in the picture and saw a cougar walking around on the other side of the windows! Luckily we didn't have the same experience.

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